Thursday, October 6, 2011

Soal UN tahun 2008


         Mr. Lion was lying asleep when he was suddenly awaked by a mouse running over his face. The little mouse was being chased by a wild cat. "How dare you!" he roared, and raised his paw to kill the mouse. "Please, sir, begged Miss. Mouse, "let me go, and one day I may do something for you in return. "You help me! Ha… ha…., "laughed Mr. Lion, but he let her go.
        One day, Mr. Lion was caught in a net by hunters, "I can't get out!" he roared angrily, "But I can help you," said a tiny voice. Then Miss. Mouse nibbled and gnawed the ropes until the lion was free. "There", she said proudly, "if you had not let me go, I would not have found a way to help you. "Yes, you should thank her, Mr. Lion. She has saved your life", said a monkey who was sitting on a branch of a tree.

1.   Who was caught in a net?

A.A cat
B.A lion
C.A mouse
D.A hunter
E.A monkey

2.   According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mr. Lion was not lying asleep
B.The mouse cannot help Mr. Lion
C.Miss. Mouse was awaked by Mr. Lion
D.Miss Mouse was caught in a net spread by hunters
E.Mr. Lion was awaked because a mouse running over his face

3.   Why did the mouse run over the lion's face?
Because …

A.she was chased by a wild cat
B.she was not afraid of the lion
C.she wanted to wake up the lion
D.she hoped the lion would help her
E.she expected the lion would kill the cat

4.   The main idea of the paragraph two is …

A.A monkey helped Mr. Lion
B.Mr. Lion caught Miss Mouse
C.Miss Mouse helped release Mr. Lion
D.Mr. Lion was trapped by the hunters
E.The hunters were caught in a net

        Although gorillas look ferocious, they are really rather quiet apes. They live in family groups in the thickset parts of the jungle.
        A gorilla's feet, hands, and wrinkled face are bare and black. His fur may be short or long, depending on where he lives.
        The short-haired  gorillas lives in the hot, damp, tropical forest of western Africa, and the long-haired gorilla lives in the cooler air in the high mountain of central Africa.
        A gorilla's arms are so long; they almost touch the ground, even when he is standing up. Some wild mountain gorillas weigh as much as you, your father, and your mother all weigh together.
        At night the father gorilla sleeps on the ground. But the mother and the baby gorillas sleep in a big nest of made sticks and leaves on the ground, or in the lower branches of trees, where they are safer from prowling animals.

5.   The text mainly tells about …

A.father gorilla
B.a gorilla's life
C.kinds of gorilla
D.gorillas in brief
E.the origin of gorilla

6.   The … of the gorillas affects the length of the gorilla's fur.


7.   The following parts of a gorilla are not covered by fur, except …

A.the chin
B.the nose
C.the arms
D.the feet
E.the hands

8.   "Although gorillas look ferocious, they are really rather quiet apes" (Paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word mean?



                         SCHOOL TRIP TO GOLDEN SANDS BEACH

              On 28th of August, there will be a school trip to Golden Sands Beach.
              Departure         : 07.30 a.m.
              Programs          : Swimming, games, volley ball, and lunch at
                                          the Sea View Restaurant.
                                          Afternoon: walk along the beach to the lagoon
                                          and watch the boat festival.
               Fee                   : Rp 50.000,-
               Contact Person: Vita, Zaskia

                                                                                       Anne Saragih

9.   What is the announcement about?

A.A boat festival
B.A Sea View Restaurant
C.The Golden Sands Beach
D.A schedule of a school trip
E.A lagoon at the Golden Sands Beach

10.   This announcement is mostly addressed to … of a school.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Super Junior #13 Kyuhyun

Nama Lengkap : Cho Kyu-Hyun
Nama Panggilan: Kyuhyun
Tempat-Tanggal Lahir : Seoul, South Korea – 3 February 1988
Genres Lagu : Pop, Dance, R&B
Pekerjaan : Penyanyi, Clarinet
Alat Musik: Piano, Guitar
Mulai Aktif : 2006-Present
Labels: SM Entertaiment
Bergabung Dalam : SM Town, Super Junior, Super Junior – M, Super Junior KRY.
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: lead-vocal
Saudara: kakak perempuan Cho Ahra (1985)
Keahlian/Hobi: nyanyi, dengerin musik, nonton film, game komputer
Pendidikan: Mahasiswa di Kyunghee University, Post Musik Modern
Cewek ideal: Cewek yang cantik dan beragama Kristen, mempunyai kaki yang indah, mirip dengan Kim Taehee

      Member paling muda di Super Junior dan masuk Super Junior juga yang paling akhir. Dia punya karakteristik suara yang kuat dan juga tergabung di Suju KRY. Nggak heran kalo dia sering digabungin sama penyanyi laen di luar Super Junior. Kyuhyun oppa juga suka banget maen game, bahkan dijulukin GameKyu! Sampe-sampe dia sering teriak-teriak waktu malem dan waktu ditanyain Donghae oppa,”Ada apa?”, dia Cuma jawab,“Nggak apa-apa, saya baru aja kalah (maen game)”. Gubrak!! Ryeowook oppa juga bilang kalo Kyuhyun oppa ini orang yang manis, tapi kadang manisnya keterlaluan. Hahaha…
      Pernah mengalami Kecelakaan bersama ketiga temannya sesama anggota Super Junior, yaitu Eunhyuk, Shindong, dan Leeteuk. Namun ia yang mengalami luka terparah Sehingga koma selama beberapa Bulan.

Super Junior #11 Ryeowook

Nama Lengkap : Kim Ryeo-wook
Nama Panggilan: Wookie, Ryeowook
Tempat-Tanggal Lahir : Incheon, South Korea – 21 Juni 1987
Genres Lagu : Pop, Dance, R&B, Trot
Pekerjaan : Penyanyi, Penari, Aktor
Alat Musik: Piano, Guitar
Pertama Masuk : 2000
Mulai Aktif : 2005-Present
Labels: SM Entertaiment
Bergabung Dalam : SM Town, Super Junior, Super Junior – M, Super Junior – KRY
Hobby : Nyanyi, Membuat Lagu.
Golongan Darah : O
Tinggi Badan : 173 cm
Berat Badan : 58 kg
Agama: Kristen Posisi: lead-vocal
Saudara: anak tunggal
Pendidikan: Mahasiswa di Inha University, Seni Teater
Cewek ideal: Cewek pendek yang bisa nyanyi

      Ryeowook oppa punya suara tenor yang bener-bener bikin merinding waktu dia nyanyi lagu ballad bareng Suju KRY! Suaranya bagus banget! Ryeowook oppa ini member yang sensitif juga. Dia gampang banget tersentuh sama hal-hal yang… emang dia anggep menyentuh! Dia juga member yang baik budi. Pernah dia ngambil alih tugas bersih-bersih ruang latihan waktu liat Henry, salah satu personil Suju M, ketiduran. Jadi waktu dibangunin, Henry kaget liat ruangan udah beres semua. Dia juga suka masak buat anggota yang lain. Kadang-kadang sikap-sikapnya juga lucu karena tingkahnya kayak anak kecil....